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SFPA Publishes Fisheries Information Notice on Minimum Conservation Reference Sizes for Common Species in the Irish EEZ

SFPA Publishes Fisheries Information Notice on Minimum Conservation Reference Sizes for Common Species in the Irish EEZ

The Sea-Fisheries Protection Authority (SFPA) recently published a Fisheries Information Notice (FIN) titled, ‘Minimum Conservation Reference Sizes (MCRS) for common species within the Irish EEZ.’ This new FIN provides important regulatory information for the fishing community and can be accessed on the SFPA website by following this link:

Key areas covered within the FIN include:

  • Regulatory requirements in respect of MCRS across common species
  • Consolidated resource - MCRS table for common species within the Irish exclusive economic zone
  • Measuring MCRS Species
  • MCRS and the Landing Obligation
  • Recording Requirements for below MCRS catches

It is important for all industry members to familiarise themselves with these updates. Compliance with the latest regulations is essential for the sustainable management of our marine resources. If you have any questions or require further clarification on these updates, please do not hesitate to reach out to the SFPA at sfpafood& We are committed to providing assistance and guidance to support compliance with the relevant legislation.



Note for Editor

MCRS ensure the health of a fishery stock and allow the species to breed at least once before being removed from the sea. The purpose of applying MCRS is to:

  • Ensure the health of a fishery stock by protecting juvenile marine species
  • Establish fish stock recovery areas
  • Constitute minimum marketing sizes