With effect from Monday 14th October 2013, scallops harvested from within existing Classified Shellfish Production Areas will be subject to the Irish Shellfish Biotoxin Monitoring Programme, and can only be harvested from production Areas that are on an Open or a Restricted Biotoxin status. Scallops are a Bivalve Species which are harvested by Irish Fishermen primarily from offshore wild fisheries, and by the inshore fleet from a number of classified production Areas such as Roaringwater Bay, Dunmanus Bay Bantry Bay, Kenmare Bay, Kilkieran Bay and Clew Bay etc.The Notice to Trade in the link below explains the protocols in separate sections for the testing and recording of Scallops harvested from both Off-shore sites and from Existing Classified Production Areas.Notice to Trade on the Harvesting of Scallops.pdf
Major Change for Scallops Harvested from Classified Production Areas:
WEF Monday 14 October 2013.In order to obtain either an open or restricted biotoxin status for scallops from classified production areas, two samples of (12-15 Live Scallops) taken more than 48hours apart and less than 12 days apart are required to be sent with a correctly completed label via An Post Courier Service directly to the Biotoxins Unit, Marine Institute, Rinville, Oranmore, Co Galway.
Sampling Frequency for Scallops from Classified Production Areas: - Fortnightly
Once a production area is on an open or restricted (where only shucked scallops can be placed on the market for human consumption) biotoxin status for scallops, there after one sample per fortnight is required to maintain the biotoxin status for that production Area.
The Marine Institute has amended their HABs database to record all shellfish reports on one page, and will record if Scallops are harvested from either a Classified or Non classified production Area - MI HABs database
NB In order to avoid duplicate samples, and rejection of samples for exceeding the fortnightly sampling frequency originating from different boats fishing from the same classified production areas, Scallop processors or approved dispatch centres handling scallops from classified production areas should identify Fishing vessels that will be responsible for the collecting of scallop samples and of phytoplankton samples.
For further information contact any SFPA office or the SFPA Food Safety Unit in Clonakilty at 023 8859300.