Our Vision
To be a trusted regulator that promotes and verifies compliance
supporting sustainability in Ireland’s sea fisheries and seafood sector
in a fair, proportionate and transparent way and where necessary
enforcing sea-fisheries and seafood safety law effectively.
Our Mission
The Sea-Fisheries Protection Authority is committed to the promotion
of compliance and the effective and fair regulation of the sea fishing
and seafood sectors that fall within the Authority’s mandate in
order to support safe and sustainable seafood. This means the fair
regulation of all fishing vessels operating within Ireland’s 200-mile
limit and Irish fishing vessels wherever they operate and all seafood
produced in Ireland.
Our Values
• The SFPA promotes a culture of accountability, professionalism,
teamwork and transparency.
• The SFPA have an ethos of independence, integrity and
• The SFPA strive for excellence by using the best available
information to make decisions and supporting continuous
learning, innovation and collaboration within the organisation.
• The SFPA are committed to diversity, inclusion and the fair,
respectful and equal treatment of all.
Our commitment
In support of the mission and vision statements, the SFPA is committed to ensuring;
- the effective and fair regulation of the sea-fishing and seafood sectors that fall within our mandate. This means all fishing vessels operating within Ireland’s 200 mile limit, Irish fishing vessels wherever they operate, and all seafood produced in Ireland wherever it is marketed.
- that our stakeholders have the utmost trust and confidence in the integrity, quality and efficiency of our operations and in our effective contribution to the delivery of the shared vision for the marine resources surrounding Ireland.
- the application of the law in a fair, consistent and sensible manner, treating people with impartiality, transparency and respect, whether large operators or small.
- that we innovate continuously to simplify processes and improve effectiveness and build partnerships and consultation mechanisms with all our stakeholders to work successfully towards the achievement of our common goals.