VMS and ERS became mandatory for all European fishing vessels greater than or equal to 12 metres length overall (LOA) with effect from 1 January 2012. 

Vessel Monitoring System (VMS)

All Irish fishing vessels with a LOA greater than or equal to 12 metres that proceed to sea must have VMS fitted and operational. 

If you require a VMS unit to be installed on your vessel please complete the form Irish VMS Contract 2024 and return to 

Electronic Recording & Reporting Systems (ERS)

All Irish fishing vessels with a LOA greater than or equal to 12 metres must be fitted with ERS (Electronic Log Book). The SFPA currently provide the laptop and software for this purpose. If you require ERS for your vessel you need to apply for a Security Certificate first. Please complete the following two forms Request for Webservice Client Certificate and WebService Agreement and then return to 

There ia an exemption in place for one group of vessels:

  • Vessels used exclusively for aquaculture, in accordance with Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 404/2011, CHAPTER II, Section 1, Article 36, para 2 

The above groups of vessels have been exempted from the requirements outlined in Council Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 and Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 404/2011 in relation to ERS


Exchange of information

Ireland is exchanging ERS data with Norway for Irish fishing vessels operating in Norwegian waters and Norwegian fishing vessels operating in Irish waters through the European Hub since February 2011. Ireland is exchanging ERS data with Other Member States  via the European Commission Data Exchange Highway (DEH) since 26 October 2011. This allows Ireland to exchange relevant ERS data with other European Member States in addition to Norway. Since February 2024 we are now also exchanging log book data with NEAFC via the DEH.

Contact us

Tel: +353 (0) 23 885 9300