Tuna CHART Programme

With reference to the Sea-Fisheries (Bluefin Tuna) Regulations (Statutory Instrument (S. I.) 352/2024) published on the 19th of July 2024.

Holders of a CHART fishery authorisation (an authorisation issued under Section 14 of the Fisheries Consolidated Act 1959) must send the following records and reports to Inland Fisheries Ireland*

Catch Record:

In accordance with Regulation 7(1)(a) of the 2024 Regulations, CHART fishery authorisation holders must upload an electronic record of bluefin tuna caught, tagged and release, or bluefin tuna that died, on the ArcGIS Survey123 portal system.

Catch Report:

In accordance with Regulation 7(1)(b) and 7(2) of the 2024 Regulations, CHART fishery authorisation holders must report a completed survey trip and quantitative data report (as specified in Regulations 7 and 8 of the 2024 Regulations) to Inland Fisheries Ireland* by Digital data collection and to Marine institute via paper forms. The Report template can be found here

The information required to be recorded and reported is outlined in Regulation 8 of the 2024 Regulations.

*Inland Fisheries Ireland is a body established under the Inland Fisheries Act 2010 and is identified by the SFPA as the body to which the report under Regulation 7 of the Sea-Fisheries (Bluefin Tuna) Regulation (S.I. No. 352 of 2024) should be transmitted.”

For more information regarding the Tuna CHART Programme click here

Last updated 16th August 2024