Prior Notification & Designated Ports for Community Fishing Vessels
Masters of fishing vessels engaged in fishing for stocks subject to multiannual plan and fitted with ERS are required to provide prior notification of landing (PNO) as stated in EU and National legislation. This procedure is in place for both national and foreign vessels. Information on species that are subject to multiannual plan are listed on the Regulation (EU) 2019/472
Notification must be submitted to the competent authority at least 4 hours before the estimated time of entering port. The competent authority in Ireland is the Fisheries Monitoring Centre. Contact details for the FMC are available here.
Masters of Irish sea-fishing vessels must also provide notice (PNO) if they intend to land or tranship 150 kilograms or more of Monkfish (ANF), 100kg or more of deep sea species, certain pelagic species over 10 tonnes, and as required by any Fisheries Natura Declaration or Authorisation.
Norwegian vessels in European Waters are subject to providing notification and exchanging data under the EU-Norway agreement of November 2011.
In addition, certain quantities and species of fish must be landed into designated ports. The table below lists the designated ports in Ireland for Irish fishing vessels and the species for which they are designated. S.I. No. 365 of 2019, S.I. No. 55 of 2013, SI No. 416 of 2021 and S.I. No. 638 of 2022
Please refer to Fisheries Information Notice 01-23 - Landing and Prior Notification Requirements of Irish FVs V1 which includes detailed information of these requirements and a map of the designated landing ports in Ireland.