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2025 Quota Uptake - Landings

The European Community fishing quotas are determined at the December meeting of the Council of Ministers held in Brussels.  These quotas are published in an annual Total Allowable Catch Regulation; this legislation fixes the fishing opportunities for certain fish stocks and groups of fish stocks, applicable in Union waters and, to Union vessels, in certain non-Union waters. 

The Species stock areas may be denoted by a single ICES area e.g. Cod in ICES area VIIa (the Irish Sea), or may be a combination of ICES areas. When a national quota catch limit for a stock area has been reached, landings of that species by vessels belonging to that nation are no longer permitted.

2025 Landings and Percentage Quota Uptake

see ref * at bottom of the table

The following table shows the percentage uptake by Irish fishing vessels of the national quota by species stock area. Note: Not all stock areas are included below, the absence of a species/area combination does not imply that it is not under quota.

Species Area** Area Code Catch limit ^ (Seines)/over 55ft/under 55ft  -  March  2025 ***2025 Quota (TAC)  2025 2025 Tonnes % Uptake Last Tonnes Update 
ALBACORE All Areas ALB/AN05N Closed 3967 0 0% 28-Mar-25
BLUEFIN All Areas BFT/AE45WM_AMS See authorisation/FMN^ 0 1   28-Mar-25
BLUE WHITING 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8a, 8b, 8d, 8e, 12 and 14 WHB/1X14 See authorisation/FMN^ 51263 38423 75% 28-Mar-25
BOR 6, 7 and 8 BOR/678- See authorisation/FMN^ 26462 17402 66% 28-Mar-25
COD 7a COD/07A. 2/ 1 82 1 1% 28-Mar-25
COD 7b, 7c, 7e-k, 8, 9 and 10; CECAF 34.1.1 COD/7XAD34 3/ 1.5 335 18 5% 28-Mar-25
PICKED DOGFISH 1, 5, 6, 7 and 8; 12 and 14 DGS/15X14 Open 2325 84 4% 28-Mar-25
HADDOCK 7a HAD/07A. (18) / 12 / 6 692 57 8% 28-Mar-25
HADDOCK 5b, 6a HAD/5BC6A. 50 / 25 1304 154 12% 28-Mar-25
HADDOCK 6b; 12 and 14 HAD/6B1214 20 / 10 622 179 29% 28-Mar-25
HADDOCK 7b-k, 8, 9 and 10; CECAF 34.1.1 HAD/7X7A34 (18) / 12/ 6 1184 305 26% 28-Mar-25
HAKE 5b; 6 and 7; 12 and 14 HKE/571214 20 / 10 1730 439 25% 28-Mar-25
HERRING 1 and 2 HER/1/2- See authorisation/FMN^ 2015 0 0% 28-Mar-25
HERRING 5b, 6aN and 6b  HER/5B6ANB See authorisation/FMN^ -153.938 5 -3% 28-Mar-25
HERRING 6aS, 7b, 7c HER/6AS7BC See authorisation/FMN^ 2600 277 11% 28-Mar-25
HERRING 4a, 4b HER/4AB. See authorisation/FMN^ 0 17   28-Mar-25
HERRING 7a Manx HER/07A/MM See authorisation/FMN^ 52 0 0% 28-Mar-25
HERRING 7a south of 52° 30' N ; 7g, 7h, 7j and 7k HER/7G-K. See authorisation/FMN^ 750 96 13% 28-Mar-25
HORSE MACKEREL 2a and 4a; 6, 7a-c, 7e-k, 8a, 8b, 8d and 8e; 5b; 12 and 14 JAX/2A-14 See authorisation/FMN^ 16406 11171 68% 28-Mar-25
LING 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10; 12 and 14 LIN/6X14. 30 / 15 752 24 3% 28-Mar-25
MACKEREL All Areas MAC/2CX14-  MAC/*04A-C  MAC/*04N- See authorisation/FMN^ 39914 35980 90% 28-Mar-25
MEGRIM 7 LEZ/07. 30 / 15 3038 150 5% 28-Mar-25
MEGRIM 5b; 6; 12 and 14 LEZ/56-14 30 / 15 614 43 7% 28-Mar-25
MONK 7 ANF/07. 16 / 8 3367 901 27% 28-Mar-25
MONK 5b; 6; 12 and 14 ANF/56-14 12 / 6 890 121 14% 28-Mar-25
NEPHROPS 7 NEP/07. 18 / 9 5313 895 17% 28-Mar-25
NEPHROPS 5b; 6 NEP/5BC6. 10 / 5 184 1 1% 28-Mar-25
PLAICE 7a PLE/07A. Open 396 3 1% 28-Mar-25
PLAICE 5b; 6; 12 and 14 PLE/56-14 Open 224 0 0% 28-Mar-25
PLAICE 7b and 7c PLE/7BC. Open 13 0 2% 28-Mar-25
PLAICE 7f and 7g PLE/7FG. 0.20 / 0.10 40 4 10% 28-Mar-25
PLAICE 7h, 7j and 7k PLE/7HJK. 1.0 / 0.50 53 3 5% 28-Mar-25
POLLACK 7 POL/07. 0.05**** / 0.05**** 48 8 16% 28-Mar-25
POLLACK 5b; 6; 12 and 14 POL/56-14 0.05 / 0.05 11 2 20% 28-Mar-25
SAITHE 5b; 6; 12 and 14 POK/56-14 20/10 366 14 4% 28-Mar-25
SAITHE 7, 8, 9 and 10; CECAF 34.1.1 POK/7/3411 20 / 10 690 2 0% 28-Mar-25
Skates and Rays 6a, 6b, 7a-c and 7e-k SRX/67AKXD 20 / 10 1145 92 8% 28-Mar-25
SOLE 7a SOL/07A. 1.0 / 0.50 92 17 19% 28-Mar-25
SOLE 5b; 6; 12 and 14 SOL/56-14 Open  46 1 2% 28-Mar-25
SOLE 7b and 7c SOL/7BC. 0.10 / 0.05 14 3 22% 28-Mar-25
SOLE 7f and 7g SOL/7FG. 0.05/ 0.05 33 14 43% 28-Mar-25
SOLE 7h, 7j and 7k SOL/7HJK. 1/1 77 6 8% 28-Mar-25
TUSK 5; 6 and 7 USK/567EI. Open 381 7 2% 28-Mar-25
WHITING 7a WHG/07A. 10 / 5 258 2 1% 28-Mar-25
WHITING 5b; 6; 12 and 14 WHG/56-14 40 / 20 1435 6 0% 28-Mar-25
WHITING 7d  (sub-area of WHG/7X7A-C) WHG/*07D Open 7456 0 0% 28-Mar-25
WHITING 7b - k excluding 7d  (sub-area of WHG/7X7A-C) WHG/*7XAD 20**** / 10**** 1301 54 4% 28-Mar-25



Quota uptake weights reflect declared figures only (unless noted), changes to quota (TAC) are supplied by DAFM and will be updated monthly. All figures are provisional, for critical applications please contact the SFPA directly.

** For more specific stock area definitions please consult relevant TAC and quota regulations

***2025 Quota (TAC); last updated 28th March is provisional. This updated TAC is not final for 2025.

**** By-catch only

^Catch limits shown are guidelines only. For a definite list of catch limits and full terms and conditions, please see The Fisheries Management Notices (FMN) in the link below -  demersal catch limits shown only apply where no authorisation exists for your vessel, note that some stocks are by-catch only and may not be targetted. Pelagic catch limits are not shown.

Last update 28th March 2025. 

gov.ie - Fisheries Management Notices 2024 (www.gov.ie)